Work Experience

Research Fellow on the Local Perceptions and Media Representations of Election Observation in Africa Project

The University of Edinburgh, May 2021-Current

  • Significant experience conducting in-depth qualitative interviews with non-elite informants, media representatives, and observation practitioners in Zambia, The Gambia and Kenya.

  • Authored practitioner-orientated briefing papers and academic publications, which included recommendations for election observers that are aimed at improving popular understanding and media coverage of observation.

  • Created practical engagement through dissemination meetings with leading observer groups.

  • Designed research methodology, oversaw case studies, co-ordinated project partners, and trained research assistant.

Research Fellow on the African Elections during the COVID-19 Pandemic Project

The University of Edinburgh, August 2020-August 2021

  • Created recommendations for holding elections during the COVID-19 pandemic and during future pandemics.

  • Designed and commissioned surveys in Ghana, The Central African Republic and Tanzania.

  • Conducted qualitative research in Tanzania.

  • Authored practitioner-orientated briefing papers and academic publications.

  • Created practical engagement through dissemination meetings with leading organisations in the democracy promotion field.

Research Fellow on the Developing Data?: Politics & Markets in Digital East Africa and Beyond Project

The University of Edinburgh, April 2020-April 2021

  • Led a multi-partner literature scoping review on social media and politics, which produced an agenda for future research.

  • Ran a series of workshops that brought academics and practitioners together.

Teaching Fellow in African Studies and International Development

The University of Edinburgh, January 2020-August 2020

  • Deepened academic understanding of political and developmental issues.

  • Responsibilities included marking, moderation, Masters supervision, running social media accounts, and upgrading website.

Variety of Short-Term Academic Roles

The University of Edinburgh, July 2018-January-2020

  • Wrote in-depth literature reviews on social media and politics, and election observation.

  • Formulated and drafted research proposals.

  • Copy edited an academic volume on social media.

  • Also included marking, and Masters supervision.

Consultancy on Tanzanian Cotton Sector

Gatsby, February 2016-May 2016

  • Conducted research in northern Tanzania regarding issues preventing the development of cotton farming.

  • Created recommendations for Gatsby’s future activities in this sector.

  • Demonstrated knowledge of the intersection between political dynamics and economic production.

Temporary Lecturer in African History

The University of Edinburgh, September 2014 – December 2014

  • Developed presentation skills by writing and giving a series of eight lectures for second year students at short notice.

  • Further developed understanding of African contexts.

Tutor in Asian and African History

The University of Edinburgh, January 2012 – May 2016

  • Developed contextual knowledge by teaching second year students a range of topics spanning several regions and historical periods.

Conference Organiser for the ‘CAS@50’ Conference

The University of Edinburgh, December 2011 – July 2012

  • Responsible for the administration of the University of Edinburgh’s Centre of African Studies 50th anniversary conference, which was attended by over 200 academics.

  • Demonstrated organisational capacity and communication skills.